Collection: Russia
Embarking on the venture of sourcing perfume ingredients from Russia has been a captivating odyssey, weaving together the country's diverse landscapes and rich cultural tapestry into my olfactory creations. Russia's expansive and pristine terrain serves as a source of inspiration, with Siberian pine and birch providing unique, crisp notes that evoke the vastness of its wilderness. Delving into traditional Russian perfumery, I've discovered the aromatic richness of wildflowers, like the delicate scent of chamomile and the robust fragrance of lavender, infusing my perfumes with a sense of natural beauty. Exploring local markets, I've incorporated indigenous spices such as dill and coriander, adding a subtle warmth to my blends. The art of sourcing perfume ingredients from Russia is not just about obtaining raw materials; it's an immersive experience that taps into the soul of the country, creating fragrances that resonate with the spirit of its landscapes and cultural heritage.